A collection of 436 of the most commonly used English traditional dance tunes for all instruments, with chords included for piano or guitar accompaniment. Spiral bound, 176 pp.
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- A la Mode de France
- A'Rovin
- Abergenny
- The Accomplished Maid
- Adson's Sarabande
- Air (Purcell)
- Alchurch
- The Alderman's Hat
- All Alive
- Alterations
- Amarillis
- The American Husband
- Amphitryon
- Anna Maria
- Apley House
- The Archbishop
- Argeers
- Armstrong's Waltz
- As Quick as You Please
- The Ashford Anniversary
- The Ashford Assembly
- Astoria Lass
- Auretti's Dutch Skipper
- Aye Me
- The Baffled Knight
- Bar-a-Bar
- Barbarini's Tambourine
- Bare Necessities
- Barham Down
- Barn Elms
- Barney Brallaghan
- Bartholomew Fair
- Bartlett House
- Bashful Swain
- Bath Carnival
- Bath Medley
- Beadle of Grubb Street
- The Beggar Boy
- Belgia Retriev'd
- Bellamira
- Bellisle's March
- The Bishop
- Black and Grey
- The Black Boy
- Black Boy Alley
- Black Jack
- Black Joke
- The Black Nag
- Blackwell Hall
- Blaydon Races
- The Boatmen
- Bolt the Door
- Bonnets So Blue
- Bonnie Cate
- Bonny Breast Knot
- The Bonny Cuckoo
- Bouree (Handel)
- Brick Makers
- Bridgewater's Gain
- Broom, the Bonny, Bonny Broom
- The Bunch of Fives
- Burghee's Hole
- Bury Fair
- The Butterfly
- The Buttonhole
- Buzzard's Bay
- Caerdroea
- Carillion at Sneek
- The Charmer
- Chelmsford Assembly
- Chelsea Reach
- Cheshire Rounds
- Chestnut
- Chigwell Row
- Childgrove
- Christchurch Bells
- Christina
- Christine and Ed's Waltz
- Cobbler's Hornpipe
- The Collier's Daughter
- Come Let's Be Merry
- The Comical Fellow
- Confess
- Confesse, His Tune
- Constancy
- The Convention
- Corelli's Maggot
- The Corporation
- Cottey House
- The Country Farmer
- Crosbey Square
- Cuckolds All in a Row
- Cupid's Garden
- Curly-headed Ploughboy
- Dam It
- 'Dance' by Purcell
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Daphne
- Dargason
- Dear Papa and Dear Mama
- The Despairing Lover
- Dick's Maggot
- Die Winter is Vergangen
- Dissembling Love
- Doctor Fauster's Tumblers
- Doctor Vincent's Delight
- Doldrum
- The Donkey Brays
- Double Lead Through
- The Doubtful Shepherd
- Dove's Figary
- Dover Pier
- Draper's Gardens
- Draper's Maggot
- The Dressed Ship
- Drive the Cold Winter Away
- Dublin Bay
- The Duchess of Brunswick
- The Duke of Kent's Waltz
- The Duke of Rutland's Delight
- Dull Sir John
- Dunant house Waltz
- The Dusky Night
- The Dusty Miller
- Early One Morning
- Easter Eve
- Easter Thursday
- Edgeworth Bumpkins
- Edwin's Maggot
- Elverton Grove
- Ely Court
- Epping Forest
- Epsom New Wells
- Every Lad His Lass
- Excuse Me
- Fete Champetre
- Face the Music
- Fain I Would
- Fair and Softly
- Faor Maid of the Inn
- The Fair One Let Me In
- Fair Quaker of Deal
- Faithless Nancy Dawson
- The Fandango
- Farewell Marian
- Farewell to the Shore
- The Female Saylor
- Fentalarick
- Fiddlin' David
- The Fine Companion
- Fireflies
- The First Lady
- First Night
- The First of April
- The Fit's Come on Me Now
- The Flight
- Flowers of Edinburgh
- Flowers of the Thorn
- Fourpence Ha' penny Farthing
- The Free Mason
- Freeford Gardens
- Friar in the Well
- From Aberdeen
- Fryar Bungy
- Galopede
- The Garter
- Gathering Peascods
- Geud Man of Ballangigh
- Gigue for Genny
- Gladsome Gladys
- Gladys's Galop
- Goddesses
- Golden Anniversary Waltz
- Good Advice
- The Goose and the Gridiron
- Gossip Joan
- Green Sleeves and Yellow Lace
- Green Willow
- Greenholm
- Greenwich Park
- Grimstock
- Halfe Hannikin
- Hambeton's Round O
- Handel with Care
- The Happy Captive
- The Happy Pair
- The Hare's Maggot
- The Health
- Heartsease
- Heidenroslein
- Helena
- Helene's Night Out
- Her-Man
- The Herne Bay Dance
- Hexham Races
- Hey Boys, Up Go We
- Hey, Ho, My Honey
- Hit and Miss
- Holborn March
- The Hole in the Wall
- Hombey House
- Hoop't Petticoat
- The Hop Ground
- Hop-picker's Feast
- Hop-picker's Feast II
- Hudson Barn
- Hudson Barn II
- Hugh O'Donnell
- The Humours of Dublin
- Hunsdon House
- Hunt the Squirrel
- Hunt the Squirrel (alt. tune)
- Hyde Park
- I Care Not for These Ladies
- If All the World were Paper
- If I Had Maggie in the Wood
- In the Fields in Frost and Snow
- The Indian Princess
- Indian Queen
- The Installation
- Irish Lamentation
- Jack A Lent
- Jack Pudding
- The Jack's Farewell
- Jack's Health
- Jack's Maggot
- Jacob Hall's Jig
- Jacob Hall's Jig II
- Jamaica
- Jenny Pluck Pears
- Jenny, Come Tie My Cravat
- Joan Transported
- The Jockey
- John Tallis' Canon
- The Jolly Cooper
- The Jovial Beggars
- Joy After Sorrow
- Juice of Barley
- Juno and Pallas
- Just a Going
- K and E
- Kelsterne Gardens
- Kentish Cricketers
- Kill Him with Kindness
- King James' March to Limerick
- King of Poland
- The King's Penny
- Kitchen Triad
- Kitty McGee
- Kneeland Romp
- Knives and Forks
- Knole Park
- Labour in Vain
- Lady Branbury's Hornpipe
- Lady in the Dark
- The Lass of Richmond Hill
- Lasses of Portsmouth
- The Last New Vagaries
- Lavena
- Le Basque
- A Legal Formality
- Levi Jackson Rag
- Lilli Burlero
- Little Judique
- Long Live London
- Long Odds
- Long Pond
- Lord Foppington
- Lord Gregory's Fair Flower
- Lord How's Jig
- Lord of Carnarvon's Jig
- The Lost Heart
- Love and a Bottle
- Love's Triumph
- The Lover's Luck
- Lull Me Beyond Thee
- Mad Robin
- Mage on a Cree
- The Maid in the Moon
- The Maid Peeped Out the Window
- The Maid's Last Wish
- Maid's Morris
- Maiden Lane
- Maidstone Hall
- Mall Peatly
- Margaret's Waltz
- The Margravine's Waltz
- Marlbrouk
- Mars and Venus
- The Mary and Dorothy
- The Merry Andrew
- The Merry Wassail
- The Merry, Merry Milkmaids
- Michael and All Angels
- The Midnight Ramble
- Milk Maid's Bob
- Miss Barrett's Waltz
- Miss De Jersey's Memorial
- Miss Dolland's Delight
- Miss Sayer's Allemande
- Miss Spark's Maggot
- Mister Beveridge's Maggot
- Mister Cosgill's Delight
- Mister Englefield's New Hornpipe
- Mister Foster's Frolic
- Mister Ganiford's Maggot
- Mister Handel's Gigue
- Mister Isaac's Maggot
- Mister Lane's Maggot
- Mock Hobby Horse
- Mock Match
- Monica's Delight
- Monk's March with the Wanders
- The More the Merrier
- Morecambe Bay
- Morpeth Rant
- Mount Hills
- Mrs. Hill's Dance
- Mrs. Pomeroy's Pavane
- Mrs. Savage's Whim
- The Mulberry Garden
- Mutual Love
- My Lady Cullen
- My Lady Foster's Delight
- My Lady Winwood's Maggot
- My Wife's a Wanton, Wee Thing
- Nan's Waltz
- Nancy's Fancy
- Neal's Maggot
- Nel's Farewell
- Never Love Thee More
- A New Beginning
- The New New Exchange
- The New Way
- New Year's Day in the Morning
- Newcastle
- News from Tripoli
- The News of the Victory
- The Night Cap
- The Night Piece
- Nobody's Jig
- Nonesuch
- The Northdown Waltz
- Northern Nancy
- Nottingham Swing
- Nymph Divine
- Oaken Leaves
- Off with the Mask
- Offa's Dyke
- Oil the Locks
- The Old Mill
- The Old Mole
- Old Noll's Jig
- Old Simon the King
- Once a Night
- Open the Door to Three
- Oranges and Lemons
- Orlabear's Maggot
- Orleans Baffled
- Ormond House
- Oswestry Square
- Oxford Circus
- The Parson's Cap
- Parson's Farewell
- Parthenia
- The Parting Lovers
- Pat's Tradition
- Peace Be with You
- Philabelula All the Way
- The Phoenix
- The Phoenix Rejuvenated
- The Physical Snob
- Piccadilly-O
- Picking Up Sticks
- The Pilgrim
- Pinks and Lilies
- Pins and Needles
- A Pint of Derby
- Please Kindly People Don't
- The Pleasures of the Town
- Pool's Hole
- Portabella
- Portsmouth
- Prince George's Birthday
- Prince of Wales Contre Dance
- Prince William
- Prince William of Gloucester's Waltz
- The Princess
- Princess Royal
- The Punchbowl
- The Pursuit
- Putney Ferry
- Queen Victoria's Country Dance
- The Queen's Birthday
- Queen's Jig
- Quite Carried Away
- The Ragg
- Rakes of Rochester
- Ramsgate Assembly
- The Real Princess
- Red House
- Redding Fair
- Revenge
- The Review
- Rigadoon Royal
- Room for Ramblers
- Rose of Rochester
- The Rose of Sharon
- Rose Tree
- The Round
- Round About Our Coal Fire
- Round O
- Round Pound
- The Rowling Eye
- Royal Albert
- Royal Wedding
- Rufty Tufty
- Rural Sports
- The Russian Dance
- Sadler's Wells
- Saint Andrew's Assembly
- Saint Margaret's Hill
- Saint Martin's
- Saint Martin's Lane
- Sally in Our Alley
- Salutation
- Saturday Night and Sunday Morn
- Scotch Cap
- The Scotch Measure
- Scotch Morris
- Sedany
- Sellenger's Round
- Shandy Hall
- Sheebag and Sheemore
- Shepherd's Holiday
- Short and Sweet
- The Shrewsbury Lasses
- Shropshire Lass
- Sicilian Dance
- The Siege of Limerick
- Sion House
- Slaughter House
- Slaughter House II
- The Slip
- The Slof Galliard
- Smithy Hill
- The Spaniard
- Spanish Jig
- Speed the Plough
- The Splendid Shilling
- The Spring
- Spring Garden
- Staines Morris
- The Star of the County Down
- Step Stately
- Sun Assembly
- Sybil's Au Revoir
- The Symphony
- Take a Dance
- John Tallis' Canon
- The Tambourine Dance
- Terpsichore
- Thames Valley Diamond
- Tod's Asembly
- Tom Jones
- The Ton
- Touch and Take
- The Touchstone
- Trenchmore
- Trip O'er Tweed
- Trip to Amsterdam
- Trip to Canterbury
- Trip to Highgate
- Trip to Kilburn
- Trip to Orpington
- Trip to Paris
- Trip to Poughkeepsie
- Trip to Ridgewood
- Trip to Teddington
- Trip to the Jubilee
- Trip to Tunbridge
- Trip to Virginia
- The Twenty-ninth of May
- Under and Over
- Union Jig
- Unrequited Love
- Up on a Lofty Mountain
- Up with Aily
- Upon a Summer's Day
- Valentine's Day
- Vera's Valedictory
- Virtuous Wife
- Volpony
- Wakefield Hunt
- Walmer Castle
- Walpole Cottage
- Water Music
- Waterfall Waltz
- Waterfall Waltz II
- The Waters of Holland
- The Waters of Holland II
- The Way to Norwich
- We'll Wed and We'll Bed
- Well Hall
- What Shall We Do with the Baby-O?
- The Whim
- Whirligig
- The Whish
- Wibsey Roundabout
- The Willow Tree
- Winifred's Knot
- The Wood Duck
- Woodicock
- Woodlark
- Wooing Mairi
- Yarmouth Reel
- Ye Social Powers
- York Fusiliers
- Young Man's Fancy
- The Young Widow
- Young's Wisdom
- Zealand
- Zephyrs and Flora
The Barnes Book of English Country Dance Tunes
The Barnes Book of English Country Dance Tunes
SKU: 449-1
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Experience the Elderly Difference
A collection of 436 of the most commonly used English traditional dance tunes for all instruments, with chords included for piano or guitar accompaniment. Spiral bound, 176 pp.
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- A la Mode de France
- A'Rovin
- Abergenny
- The Accomplished Maid
- Adson's Sarabande
- Air (Purcell)
- Alchurch
- The Alderman's Hat
- All Alive
- Alterations
- Amarillis
- The American Husband
- Amphitryon
- Anna Maria
- Apley House
- The Archbishop
- Argeers
- Armstrong's Waltz
- As Quick as You Please
- The Ashford Anniversary
- The Ashford Assembly
- Astoria Lass
- Auretti's Dutch Skipper
- Aye Me
- The Baffled Knight
- Bar-a-Bar
- Barbarini's Tambourine
- Bare Necessities
- Barham Down
- Barn Elms
- Barney Brallaghan
- Bartholomew Fair
- Bartlett House
- Bashful Swain
- Bath Carnival
- Bath Medley
- Beadle of Grubb Street
- The Beggar Boy
- Belgia Retriev'd
- Bellamira
- Bellisle's March
- The Bishop
- Black and Grey
- The Black Boy
- Black Boy Alley
- Black Jack
- Black Joke
- The Black Nag
- Blackwell Hall
- Blaydon Races
- The Boatmen
- Bolt the Door
- Bonnets So Blue
- Bonnie Cate
- Bonny Breast Knot
- The Bonny Cuckoo
- Bouree (Handel)
- Brick Makers
- Bridgewater's Gain
- Broom, the Bonny, Bonny Broom
- The Bunch of Fives
- Burghee's Hole
- Bury Fair
- The Butterfly
- The Buttonhole
- Buzzard's Bay
- Caerdroea
- Carillion at Sneek
- The Charmer
- Chelmsford Assembly
- Chelsea Reach
- Cheshire Rounds
- Chestnut
- Chigwell Row
- Childgrove
- Christchurch Bells
- Christina
- Christine and Ed's Waltz
- Cobbler's Hornpipe
- The Collier's Daughter
- Come Let's Be Merry
- The Comical Fellow
- Confess
- Confesse, His Tune
- Constancy
- The Convention
- Corelli's Maggot
- The Corporation
- Cottey House
- The Country Farmer
- Crosbey Square
- Cuckolds All in a Row
- Cupid's Garden
- Curly-headed Ploughboy
- Dam It
- 'Dance' by Purcell
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Daphne
- Dargason
- Dear Papa and Dear Mama
- The Despairing Lover
- Dick's Maggot
- Die Winter is Vergangen
- Dissembling Love
- Doctor Fauster's Tumblers
- Doctor Vincent's Delight
- Doldrum
- The Donkey Brays
- Double Lead Through
- The Doubtful Shepherd
- Dove's Figary
- Dover Pier
- Draper's Gardens
- Draper's Maggot
- The Dressed Ship
- Drive the Cold Winter Away
- Dublin Bay
- The Duchess of Brunswick
- The Duke of Kent's Waltz
- The Duke of Rutland's Delight
- Dull Sir John
- Dunant house Waltz
- The Dusky Night
- The Dusty Miller
- Early One Morning
- Easter Eve
- Easter Thursday
- Edgeworth Bumpkins
- Edwin's Maggot
- Elverton Grove
- Ely Court
- Epping Forest
- Epsom New Wells
- Every Lad His Lass
- Excuse Me
- Fete Champetre
- Face the Music
- Fain I Would
- Fair and Softly
- Faor Maid of the Inn
- The Fair One Let Me In
- Fair Quaker of Deal
- Faithless Nancy Dawson
- The Fandango
- Farewell Marian
- Farewell to the Shore
- The Female Saylor
- Fentalarick
- Fiddlin' David
- The Fine Companion
- Fireflies
- The First Lady
- First Night
- The First of April
- The Fit's Come on Me Now
- The Flight
- Flowers of Edinburgh
- Flowers of the Thorn
- Fourpence Ha' penny Farthing
- The Free Mason
- Freeford Gardens
- Friar in the Well
- From Aberdeen
- Fryar Bungy
- Galopede
- The Garter
- Gathering Peascods
- Geud Man of Ballangigh
- Gigue for Genny
- Gladsome Gladys
- Gladys's Galop
- Goddesses
- Golden Anniversary Waltz
- Good Advice
- The Goose and the Gridiron
- Gossip Joan
- Green Sleeves and Yellow Lace
- Green Willow
- Greenholm
- Greenwich Park
- Grimstock
- Halfe Hannikin
- Hambeton's Round O
- Handel with Care
- The Happy Captive
- The Happy Pair
- The Hare's Maggot
- The Health
- Heartsease
- Heidenroslein
- Helena
- Helene's Night Out
- Her-Man
- The Herne Bay Dance
- Hexham Races
- Hey Boys, Up Go We
- Hey, Ho, My Honey
- Hit and Miss
- Holborn March
- The Hole in the Wall
- Hombey House
- Hoop't Petticoat
- The Hop Ground
- Hop-picker's Feast
- Hop-picker's Feast II
- Hudson Barn
- Hudson Barn II
- Hugh O'Donnell
- The Humours of Dublin
- Hunsdon House
- Hunt the Squirrel
- Hunt the Squirrel (alt. tune)
- Hyde Park
- I Care Not for These Ladies
- If All the World were Paper
- If I Had Maggie in the Wood
- In the Fields in Frost and Snow
- The Indian Princess
- Indian Queen
- The Installation
- Irish Lamentation
- Jack A Lent
- Jack Pudding
- The Jack's Farewell
- Jack's Health
- Jack's Maggot
- Jacob Hall's Jig
- Jacob Hall's Jig II
- Jamaica
- Jenny Pluck Pears
- Jenny, Come Tie My Cravat
- Joan Transported
- The Jockey
- John Tallis' Canon
- The Jolly Cooper
- The Jovial Beggars
- Joy After Sorrow
- Juice of Barley
- Juno and Pallas
- Just a Going
- K and E
- Kelsterne Gardens
- Kentish Cricketers
- Kill Him with Kindness
- King James' March to Limerick
- King of Poland
- The King's Penny
- Kitchen Triad
- Kitty McGee
- Kneeland Romp
- Knives and Forks
- Knole Park
- Labour in Vain
- Lady Branbury's Hornpipe
- Lady in the Dark
- The Lass of Richmond Hill
- Lasses of Portsmouth
- The Last New Vagaries
- Lavena
- Le Basque
- A Legal Formality
- Levi Jackson Rag
- Lilli Burlero
- Little Judique
- Long Live London
- Long Odds
- Long Pond
- Lord Foppington
- Lord Gregory's Fair Flower
- Lord How's Jig
- Lord of Carnarvon's Jig
- The Lost Heart
- Love and a Bottle
- Love's Triumph
- The Lover's Luck
- Lull Me Beyond Thee
- Mad Robin
- Mage on a Cree
- The Maid in the Moon
- The Maid Peeped Out the Window
- The Maid's Last Wish
- Maid's Morris
- Maiden Lane
- Maidstone Hall
- Mall Peatly
- Margaret's Waltz
- The Margravine's Waltz
- Marlbrouk
- Mars and Venus
- The Mary and Dorothy
- The Merry Andrew
- The Merry Wassail
- The Merry, Merry Milkmaids
- Michael and All Angels
- The Midnight Ramble
- Milk Maid's Bob
- Miss Barrett's Waltz
- Miss De Jersey's Memorial
- Miss Dolland's Delight
- Miss Sayer's Allemande
- Miss Spark's Maggot
- Mister Beveridge's Maggot
- Mister Cosgill's Delight
- Mister Englefield's New Hornpipe
- Mister Foster's Frolic
- Mister Ganiford's Maggot
- Mister Handel's Gigue
- Mister Isaac's Maggot
- Mister Lane's Maggot
- Mock Hobby Horse
- Mock Match
- Monica's Delight
- Monk's March with the Wanders
- The More the Merrier
- Morecambe Bay
- Morpeth Rant
- Mount Hills
- Mrs. Hill's Dance
- Mrs. Pomeroy's Pavane
- Mrs. Savage's Whim
- The Mulberry Garden
- Mutual Love
- My Lady Cullen
- My Lady Foster's Delight
- My Lady Winwood's Maggot
- My Wife's a Wanton, Wee Thing
- Nan's Waltz
- Nancy's Fancy
- Neal's Maggot
- Nel's Farewell
- Never Love Thee More
- A New Beginning
- The New New Exchange
- The New Way
- New Year's Day in the Morning
- Newcastle
- News from Tripoli
- The News of the Victory
- The Night Cap
- The Night Piece
- Nobody's Jig
- Nonesuch
- The Northdown Waltz
- Northern Nancy
- Nottingham Swing
- Nymph Divine
- Oaken Leaves
- Off with the Mask
- Offa's Dyke
- Oil the Locks
- The Old Mill
- The Old Mole
- Old Noll's Jig
- Old Simon the King
- Once a Night
- Open the Door to Three
- Oranges and Lemons
- Orlabear's Maggot
- Orleans Baffled
- Ormond House
- Oswestry Square
- Oxford Circus
- The Parson's Cap
- Parson's Farewell
- Parthenia
- The Parting Lovers
- Pat's Tradition
- Peace Be with You
- Philabelula All the Way
- The Phoenix
- The Phoenix Rejuvenated
- The Physical Snob
- Piccadilly-O
- Picking Up Sticks
- The Pilgrim
- Pinks and Lilies
- Pins and Needles
- A Pint of Derby
- Please Kindly People Don't
- The Pleasures of the Town
- Pool's Hole
- Portabella
- Portsmouth
- Prince George's Birthday
- Prince of Wales Contre Dance
- Prince William
- Prince William of Gloucester's Waltz
- The Princess
- Princess Royal
- The Punchbowl
- The Pursuit
- Putney Ferry
- Queen Victoria's Country Dance
- The Queen's Birthday
- Queen's Jig
- Quite Carried Away
- The Ragg
- Rakes of Rochester
- Ramsgate Assembly
- The Real Princess
- Red House
- Redding Fair
- Revenge
- The Review
- Rigadoon Royal
- Room for Ramblers
- Rose of Rochester
- The Rose of Sharon
- Rose Tree
- The Round
- Round About Our Coal Fire
- Round O
- Round Pound
- The Rowling Eye
- Royal Albert
- Royal Wedding
- Rufty Tufty
- Rural Sports
- The Russian Dance
- Sadler's Wells
- Saint Andrew's Assembly
- Saint Margaret's Hill
- Saint Martin's
- Saint Martin's Lane
- Sally in Our Alley
- Salutation
- Saturday Night and Sunday Morn
- Scotch Cap
- The Scotch Measure
- Scotch Morris
- Sedany
- Sellenger's Round
- Shandy Hall
- Sheebag and Sheemore
- Shepherd's Holiday
- Short and Sweet
- The Shrewsbury Lasses
- Shropshire Lass
- Sicilian Dance
- The Siege of Limerick
- Sion House
- Slaughter House
- Slaughter House II
- The Slip
- The Slof Galliard
- Smithy Hill
- The Spaniard
- Spanish Jig
- Speed the Plough
- The Splendid Shilling
- The Spring
- Spring Garden
- Staines Morris
- The Star of the County Down
- Step Stately
- Sun Assembly
- Sybil's Au Revoir
- The Symphony
- Take a Dance
- John Tallis' Canon
- The Tambourine Dance
- Terpsichore
- Thames Valley Diamond
- Tod's Asembly
- Tom Jones
- The Ton
- Touch and Take
- The Touchstone
- Trenchmore
- Trip O'er Tweed
- Trip to Amsterdam
- Trip to Canterbury
- Trip to Highgate
- Trip to Kilburn
- Trip to Orpington
- Trip to Paris
- Trip to Poughkeepsie
- Trip to Ridgewood
- Trip to Teddington
- Trip to the Jubilee
- Trip to Tunbridge
- Trip to Virginia
- The Twenty-ninth of May
- Under and Over
- Union Jig
- Unrequited Love
- Up on a Lofty Mountain
- Up with Aily
- Upon a Summer's Day
- Valentine's Day
- Vera's Valedictory
- Virtuous Wife
- Volpony
- Wakefield Hunt
- Walmer Castle
- Walpole Cottage
- Water Music
- Waterfall Waltz
- Waterfall Waltz II
- The Waters of Holland
- The Waters of Holland II
- The Way to Norwich
- We'll Wed and We'll Bed
- Well Hall
- What Shall We Do with the Baby-O?
- The Whim
- Whirligig
- The Whish
- Wibsey Roundabout
- The Willow Tree
- Winifred's Knot
- The Wood Duck
- Woodicock
- Woodlark
- Wooing Mairi
- Yarmouth Reel
- Ye Social Powers
- York Fusiliers
- Young Man's Fancy
- The Young Widow
- Young's Wisdom
- Zealand
- Zephyrs and Flora