The classic compendium of Irish fiddle tunes. Revised, corrected, & easier to read than the facsimile edition. Also contains tips on playing and ornamentation. Approx. 1000 tunes. Essential. 254 pp.
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- Abdullah, Abulbul Amir
- Abigail Judge
- A Blast Of Wind
- A Bright May Morning
- A Bunch Of Haws
- A Cloudy Morning
- A Draught Of Ale
- A Fig For A Kiss
- After The Sun Goes Down
- A Haenny For A Cotton Ball
- Alexander's Hornpipe
- All Covered With Moss
- Always Welcome
- A Merry Christmas
- A Moonlight Ramble
- An Echo From Leinster
- A Night At The Fair
- Annie Oeill
- Another Jig Will Do
- An Ugly Customer
- Apples In Winter
- A Prize For The Ladies
- Are You Willing?
- Around The World For Sport
- A Sporting Bachelor
- A Stranger From Limerick
- A Trip To The Cottage
- Autumn Woods
- A Visit To Ireland
- Back Of The Haggard
- Ballinasloe Fair
- Ballincollig In The Morning
- Baltiorum
- Banish Misfortune
- Banks Of Lough Gowna, The
- Banks Of The Ilen
- Banks Of The Ohio- Melody
- Banks Of The Ohio- More F Chord
- Banks Of The Ohio- Solo
- Bantry Bay
- Barney Brallaghan
- Barney O'Neill
- Bath Road Hornpipe
- Beamish's Goat
- Beauty In Tears
- Before I Was Married
- Behind The Bush In The Garden
- Behind The Haystack
- Bessy Murphy
- Best In The Bag
- Biddy From Limerick
- Biddy's Wedding
- Big Dan O'Mahony
- Big Pat Reel
- Bill Black's Hornpipe
- Bill Clancy's Delight
- Bill EllisHornpipe
- Billy Barlow - On The Times
- Billy Boy
- Billy Taylor Fancy
- Black Donald The Piper
- Blackeyed Biddy
- Blind Billy
- Blind Mary
- Blue Bonnet Jig
- Boiled Goat's Milk
- Bold Deserter
- Bold John Oeary
- Bonaparte Crossing The Rhine
- Bonaparte's Defeat
- Bonaparte's Retreat
- Bonnie Anne
- Boy From The Mountain
- Boyne Hunt
- Boys From Scart
- Boys Of Ballinchalla
- Boys Of Ballysadare
- Boys Of Ballysimon
- Boys Of Galway
- Breeches Mary
- Bridget McBride
- Bryan O'Lynn
- Buckley's Fancy
- Buffalo Gals
- Bumper Squire Jones
- Buttermilk Mary
- Byrne's Hornpipe
- Cahill's Courtship
- Callahan Reel
- Cameronian Reel
- Camptown Races
- Captain Kelly Reel
- Captain Olery Fancy
- Captain O' Kane
- Captain O'Neill
- Careless Love
- Caroline O'Neill's Hornpipe
- Casey The Whistler
- Castle Donovan
- Castle Island
- Catherine Nowlane
- Cat In The Corner
- Charley The Prayermaster
- Charlie Stewart
- Cherish The Ladies
- Chief O'Neill's Favorite
- Child Of My Heart
- Clark's Hornpipe
- Clarkson Reel
- Clementine
- Clock In The Steeple
- Cloone Hornpipe
- Coey Hornpipe
- College Groves
- Colonel Fraser
- Colonel Hopkins
- Colonel Rodney
- Come In From The Rain
- Comely Jane Downing
- Come Now Or Stay
- Come To The Bottlehouse
- Come To The Dance
- Come Upstairs With Me
- Coming From The Wedding
- Coming Over The Hills
- Con Casey's Jig
- Condon's Frolics
- Considine Grove
- Corney Drew's Hornpipe
- Courting Them All
- Courtney's Favorite
- Crabs In The Skillet
- Craig's Reel
- Cronin's Rambles
- Cuckoo's Nest
- Cumberland Gap
- Dancing On The Green
- Dandy Denny Cronin
- Dan McCarthy Fancy
- Danville Girl- Melody
- Danville Girl- More Waltz Time
- Danville Girl- Solo
- Danville Girl- Solo
- Danville Girl- Waltz Time
- Danville Girl- Waltz Time
- Danville- Melody
- Darby The Driver
- Darling Corey
- Denis Delaney
- Denver The Dancer
- Dermot Oowd
- Dick Sullivan's Favorite
- Dillon Brown
- Doctor Oalloran
- Doctor O'Neill
- Doctor Taylor
- Dogs Among The Bushes
- Don't Bother Me
- Don Leave Me Alone
- Dooley's Fancy
- Dougherty Fancy
- Down In The Valley- Melody
- Down In The Valley- Solo
- Down In The Valley- Waltz Time
- Do You Want Anymore?
- Dress Her Out In Fine Clothes
- Drink And Be Merry
- Drive The Cows Home
- Drowsy Maggie
- Drummond Lasses
- Dublin Streets
- Duffy The Dancer
- Dunphy Hornpipe
- Durang's Hornpipe
- Early In The Morning
- Early Rising
- East At Glandart
- Easter Sunday
- Eileen Curran
- Ellen Orady
- Ellis Jig
- E-ri-e Canal
- Eveleen Bower
- Everybody Fancy
- Fair And Forty
- Fairhaired Mary
- Fairies' Hornpipe
- Fair Maidens
- Farewell To Erin
- Farewell To Iveleary
- Farewell To My Troubles
- Far From Home
- Fasten The Leg In Her
- Father Dollard's Favorite
- Father Fielding Favorite
- Father O'Carroll
- Father Tom's Wager
- Fiddler's Contest
- Fiddler's Heaven
- Field Of Flowers
- Field Of Oats
- First Of June
- First Of May
- Fisher Hornpipe
- Five Mile Chase
- Five Miles Away
- Flower Of The Flock
- Froggie Went A -Courtin'
- From Shore To Shore
- Frost And Snow
- Galway Bay
- Get Up Early
- Get Up Old Woman And Shake Yourself
- Gillan's Apples
- Gillespie Hornpipe
- Gilmore Hornpipe
- Girls Will You Take Him?
- Girl With The Laughing Eyes
- Give Us A Drink Of Water
- Give Us Another
- Glasgow Hornpipe
- Glengariff Bay
- Glens Of Mayo
- Going To Donnybrook
- Golden Vale
- Good Morning To Your Nightcap
- Goodnatured Man
- Gospel Ship- More Hammers
- Gospel Ship- Solo
- Go Tell Aunto Rhody- Solo
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody- Fingerpricking Solo
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody- Off-Beats
- Go To Tell Aunt Rhody- Picked Notes
- Grandfather's Pet
- Green Garters
- Green Sleeves
- Gurty's Frolics
- Handsome Molly
- Handsome Plowboy
- Handy Man
- Handy With A Stick
- Hard, Ain It Hard- Melody
- Hard, Ain It Hard- Non-Melodic Notes
- Hard, Ain It Hard- Solo
- Hardiman The Fiddler
- Harvest Field
- Harvest Home
- Haste To The Wedding
- Hawk's Hornpipe
- Here Good Health To The Piper
- Hick's Hornpipe
- Hide And Go Seek
- HigginsBest
- HigginsHornpipe
- Highway to Limerick
- Hinchy Delight
- Home On The Range
- How Much Has She Got?
- How The Money Goes
- Hugh McArdle Fancy
- Hull's Victory
- Humors Of Ballyconnell
- Humors Of Bandon
- Humors Of Castle Bernard
- Humors Of Dingle
- Humors Of Drinagh
- Humors Of Ennistymon
- Humors Of Newcastle
- Humors Of Schull
- Humors Of Westport
- Humors Of Whiskey
- Humors Of Winter
- Hunter's Hornpipe
- Hunting The Hare
- Hush LIttle Baby
- Hush Little Baby- Melody
- Hush Little Baby- Solo
- I Do Not Incline
- I Have No Money
- I Know What You Like
- I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave
- I'm Ready Now
- I'm The Boy For Bewitching Them
- I'm Waiting For You
- I Ride An Old Paint- Hammers In Waltz Time
- I Ride An Old Paint- Melody
- I Ride An Old Paint- Solo
- Isabella Burke
- I Will If I Can
- Jack Dolan
- Jack Loughlin
- Jack On The Green
- Jackson's Bottle Of Brandy
- Jackson's Cravat
- Jackson's Fancy
- Jackson's Maid
- Jackson's Morning Brush
- Jackson Rolling Jig
- Jennie Rock The Cradle
- Jenny Picking Cockles
- Jenny Pippin
- Jenny's Wedding
- Jenny's Welcome To Charlie
- Jerry Daly's Hornpipe
- Jerry Hayes
- Jerry Houlihan
- Jerry's Beaver Hat
- Jessie James
- Jim Moore's Fancy
- Jimmy O'Brien's Jig
- Jimmy Return
- Jocky At The Fair
- John Brown's Body
- John Hardy- Melody
- John Hardy- More F Chord
- John Hardy- More Hammers
- John Hardy- Solo
- Johnny Has Gone To France
- Johnny Ohea
- Johnny's Wedding
- Johnny's Welcome Home
- Johnny The Jumper
- John Oeill Reel
- John Oeilly The Active
- John White's Mother
- Jolly Tinker
- Jolly Weaver
- Joy Be With You
- Julia Delaney
- Julia McMahon
- Julia's Wedding
- Katie's Fancy
- Keeper Hill
- Kid On The Mountain
- Kinnegad Slashers
- Kiss Me Kate
- Kiss Me Sweetheart
- Kiss The Bride
- Kiss Your Partner
- Kit O'Mahony's Hornpipe
- Kit Oahony Jig
- Kitty Losty's Reel
- Kitty Magee
- Kitty Of Oulart
- Kitty's Rambles
- Kitty's Wedding
- Knocknagow
- Ladies Of Carrick
- Ladies Of Leinster
- Ladies Pantalettes
- Lady Day
- Lady Forbes
- Lady Mary Ramsey
- Lame Crowley
- Lannigan's Ball
- Larry Grogan
- Larry Lavin Choice
- Larry Lynch Hornpipe
- Last Of The Twins
- Lawson's Favorite
- Leather Buttons
- Leave My Way
- Leitrim Thrush
- Light And Airy
- Lightning Flash
- Limerick Junction
- Limerick Lasses
- Limestone Rock
- Linen Cap
- Little House Under The Hill
- Little Katie Kearney
- Liverpool Hornpipe
- Londonderry Hornpipe
- London Lasses
- Lone Green Valley- Complex Waltz Time
- Lone Green Valley- Complex Waltz Time
- Lone Green Valley- Melody
- Lone Green Valley- Melody
- Lone Green Valley- Solo
- Lone Green Valley-Solo
- Long John's Wedding
- Lord Gordon Reel
- Lord Macdonald
- Lough Allen
- Lovely Molly
- Maclean Favorite
- Madame Bonaparte
- Magowan Jig
- Magpie's Nest
- Maguire's Kick
- Maid At The Churn
- Maid In The Cherry Tree
- Maids Of Mitchellstown
- Maid That Dare Not Tell
- Malowney's Wife
- Man Of The House
- Mary Grace
- Mary Had A Little Lamb
- Mary Had A Little Lamb- Solo
- Mary O'Neill's Fancy
- Maude Miller
- Maurice Casey Fancy
- McDermott Hornpipe
- McElligott Fancy
- Mcfadden's Favorite
- Mcfadden's Own Reel
- Merry Days Of Easter
- Merry Merchant
- Merry Sisters
- Mickey By The Fireside
- Midnight Dance
- Miller's Daughter
- Miller's Maid
- Milliner's Daughter
- Miss Brandy
- Miss Brown's Fancy
- Miss Bruce
- Miss Campbell
- Miss Casey
- Miss Johnson
- Miss Mcdonald
- Miss McLeod Reel
- Miss Monroe's Jig
- Miss Patterson
- Miss Thorton Reel
- Mixing The Punch
- Mollie Malone
- Mollie McCarthy
- Moll Roe
- Molly In The Garden
- Molly Put The Kettle On
- Molly What Ails You?
- Monday Morning
- Money Musk
- Mooncoin Reel
- More Luck To Us
- More Power To Your Elbow
- Morgan Rattler
- Mountain Rose
- Mountains Of Kerry
- Move Up To Me
- Mullingar Races
- Murphy's Hornpipe
- Murray's Hornpipe
- Murtough Mulloy
- Music In The Glen
- My Brother Tom
- My Darling Asleep
- My Darling Fair Maid
- My Dermot
- My Former Wife
- My Home Across The Smokey Mountains
- My Home Across The Smokey Mountains- Melody
- My Home Across The Smokey Mountains- Solo
- My Honey In The House
- My Love Is Fair And Handsome
- My Love Is In America
- My Mary Anne
- My Mind Will Never Be Easy
- My Sweetheart Jane
- Ned Naughton Hornpipe
- Nell Flaherty's Drake
- Nellie Oonovan
- Nelson Victory
- New Mailcoach
- New Road
- Night We Made The Match
- Nra Crona
- Nora Oeill
- Nothing Can Sadden Us
- Oaralan Concerto
- Oarolan Devotion (1st Setting)
- Oarolan Farewell
- Oarolan Farewell To Music
- Oarolan Receipt For Drinking
- O'Connor's Fancy
- O'Connor's Favorite
- O'Donnell's Hornpipe
- O'dwyer's
- O'Dwyer's Hornpipe
- O'Fenlon's Hornpipe
- Off She Goes
- Off To California
- Off To The Hunt
- O'Gallagher's Frolics
- Oallagher Hornpipe
- Oh, Susanna- Solo
- Oh, Susanna- The F Chord
- Old As This Hills
- Old Grey Gander
- Old Joe Clark- Picks
- Old Maids Of Galway
- Old Man Dillon
- Old Man Quinn
- Old Pensioner
- Old Storyteller
- Old Time Religion
- Old Vest And Cravat
- One Before We Go
- One Bottle More
- Oeill Hornpipe
- One Of The Boys
- On The River Bank
- Oeilly Fancy
- Oeilly Favorite
- O'Reilly Greyhound
- Our Highland Cousins
- Our Own Little Isle
- Over The Bridge To Peggy
- Owen Malone
- Paddy Go Easy
- Paddy In London
- Paddy Murphy's Wife
- Paddy, Now, Won You Be Easy?
- Paddy O'Carroll
- Paddy O'Rafferty
- Paddy Onap
- Paddy Ryan's Dream
- Paddy's Resource
- Paddy's Surprise
- Paddy Whack (Irish Jig)
- Palm Sunday
- Patsy Touhey Reel
- Peeler's Jacket
- Peter Kennedy's Fancy
- Peter Street
- Pet Of The House
- Petticoat Loose
- Pick Your Partner
- Pipe On The Hob
- Piper's Despair
- Piper's Son
- Plaid Mantle
- Plains Of Boyle
- Planxty Browne
- Planxty Burke
- Planxty Charles Coote
- Planxty Corcoran
- Planxty Davis
- Planxty Denis Oonor
- Planxty Dobbins
- Planxty Drew
- Planxty Drury
- Planxty Edmond Dodwell
- Planxty Fanny Powers
- Planxty George Brabazon
- Planxty Hugh Oonnell
- Planxty Irwin
- Planxty Johnston
- Planxty Kitty Orien
- Planxty Lady Athenry
- Planxty Lady Blaney
- Planxty Lady Wrixon
- Planxty Madam Crofton
- Planxty Madam Maxwell
- Planxty Maguire
- Planxty Mary Oeill
- Planxty Miss Burke
- Planxty Mrs. Oonnor
- Planxty Nancy McDermott
- Planxty Nancy Vernon
- Planxty Oarolan
- Planxty Oaly
- Planxty Olynn
- Planxty Oelly
- Planxty Oeill
- Planxty Oeilly
- Planxty Oourke
- Planxty Scott
- Planxty Sir Festus Burke
- Planxty Sir Ulick Burke
- Planxty Sudley
- Planxty Thomas Burke
- Planxty Toby Peyton (1st Setting)
- Planxty Toby Peyton (2nd Setting)
- Planxty Toby Peyton (3rd Setting)
- Planxty Tom Judge
- Planxty Tom Judge
- Planxty Wilkinson
- Pleasures Of Home
- Poll Haenny
- Pretty Maggie Morrissey
- Pretty Peggy
- Priest With The Collar
- Princess Royal
- Push About The Jorum
- Rakish Paddy
- Reaping The Rye
- Red River Valley- Melody
- Red River Valley- More F Chord
- Red River Valley- Solo
- Reel Of Bogie
- Reel Of Mullinavat
- Repeal Of The Union
- Rickett's Hornpipe
- Riding A Mule
- Robin Redbreast
- Rodney's Glory
- Rogers Oeill
- Roger Was A Plowboy
- Roll Her On The Mountain
- Rolling Down The Hill
- Rolling On The Ryegrass
- Rory O'Moore
- Rose In The Garden
- Roseland Hill
- Roudledum
- Rub The Bag
- Saddle The Pony
- Sailor On The Rock
- Sailor's Cravat
- Same Old Story
- Sault Favorite
- Sault's Own Hornpipe
- Sauntering In The Lane
- Scatter The Mud
- Scotch Mary
- Second Wedding
- Sgt. Early Dream
- Sgt. Early Jig
- Sgt. Stack Favorite
- Shandon Bells
- Shaskeen Reel
- Shearing The Sheep
- Sheehan's Reel
- Ships Are Sailing
- Silvermore
- Sir Philip Mchugh
- Skibbereen Lasses
- Slattery Fancy
- Sleeply Maggie
- Slievenemon
- Sligo Lasses
- Slipper Hornpipe
- Smash The Windows
- Smash The Windows
- Snug In The Blanket
- Soldier's Joy
- Sorry, Too Late
- Spellan Fiddle
- Spellan The Fiddler
- Stack Of Barley
- Stagger The Buck
- Stagolee
- Star Of Kilkenny
- Star Of Munster
- Steeplechase
- Streets Of Laredo
- Strike The Gay Harp
- Strop The Razor
- Study War No More
- Swanee River
- Sweet Biddy Daly
- Sweet Biddy Of Ballyvourney
- Tady Wattle
- Take It Easy
- Take Your Choice
- Tatter Jack Walsh
- Tea In The Morning
- Terry Heigh Ho, The Grinder
- Tha Ace And Deuce Of Pipering
- The Absent-Minded Man
- The Active Old Man
- The Angry Peeler
- The Anthrim Lasses
- The Avonmore
- The Baldheaded Bachelor
- The Bank Of Ireland
- The Banks Of The Nile
- The Bantry Hornpipe
- The Barefoot Boy
- The Barney Pilgrim
- The Barronstown Races
- The Bashful Bachelor
- The Bashful Maid
- The Belfast Hornpipe
- The Belfast Lasses
- The Belles Of Clonallan
- The Blackberry Blossom
- The Blackbird
- The Blackhaired Lass
- The Blazing Turf Fire
- The Blooming Meadows
- The Bloom Of Youth
- The Blue Garters
- The Bonnie Boy
- The Book Of Rights
- The Bottle Of Porter
- The Bouncing Boy
- The Bowlegged Tailor
- The Boy From The Glens
- The Boy In The Gaf
- The Boys From The East
- The Boys Of Ballinafad
- The Boys Of Ballysadare
- The Boys Of Bluehill
- The Boys Of Coomanore
- The Boys Of Portaferry
- The Boys Of The Town
- The Boys Of The West
- The Bridge Of Athlone
- The Broken Pledge
- The Bucks Of Oranmore
- The Bunch Of Keys
- The Bush In Bloom
- The Butcher Apron
- The Butcher Cave
- The ButchersMarch
- The Callan Lasses
- The Charming Young Widow
- The Chicago Reel
- The Christening
- The Cliffs Of Moher
- The Coach Road To Sligo
- The Collier Reel
- The Comely Maiden
- The Connaughtman
- The Connaughtman's Rambles
- The Cook In The Kitchen
- The Crow Nest
- The Cuckoo
- The Cuckoo Nest (2nd Setting)
- The Curragh Races
- The Dairy Maid
- The Daisy Field
- The Dancer Delight
- The Dancingmaster
- The Dandy Bonnet
- The Dawning Of The Day
- The Day We Paid The Rent
- The Downfall Of Paris
- The Drogheda Lasses
- The Dublin Reel
- The Eaves Dropper
- The Echo
- The Enchanted Lady
- The End Of The Day
- The Ewe
- The Fairhaired Boy
- The Fairy Queen
- The Faithful Friend
- The Fardown Farmer
- The Fermoy Lasses
- The Field Marshal
- The First Month Of Summer
- The First Night In America
- The First Of March
- The Fisherman Frolic
- The Fisherman Widow
- The Flaxdresser
- The Flax In Bloom
- The Flitch Of Bacon
- The Flogging Reel
- The Flowers Of Antrim
- The Flowers Of Edinburgh
- The Flowers Of Spring
- The Flowing Bowl
- The Fourpenny Bit
- The Friendly Visit
- The Frieze Breeches
- The Full Of The Bag
- The Funny Mistake
- The Gaelic Club
- The Gallbally Lasses
- The Gallowglass
- The Galway Reel
- The Garden Of Daisies
- The Geese In The Bog
- The Generous Woman
- The Girls Of Bainbridge
- The Girl Who Broke My Heart
- The Glen
- The Glories Of Spring
- The Gobby, O
- The Goldfinch
- The Gold Ring
- The Graf Spee
- The Grassy Turf
- The Green Branch
- The Greencastle Hornpipe
- The Green Fields Of America
- The Green Flag
- The Green Groves Of Erin
- The Green Island
- The Green Jacket
- The Green Linnet
- The Green Meadow
- The Green Mountain
- The Grey Beard
- The Grey Daylight
- The Grey Plover
- The Groves
- The Grumbling Rustic
- The Gudgeon Of Maurice Car
- The Hag With The Money
- The Halfway House
- The Happy Days Of Youth
- The Highlander
- The Highway To Dublin
- The Hills Of Ireland
- The Honeysuckle
- The Hornless Cow
- The House In The Glen
- The Humors Of Balleydehob
- The Humors Of Ballinacarrig
- The Humors Of Ballingarry
- The Humors Of Ballycastle
- The Humors Of Ballymanus
- The Humors Of Castle Comer
- The Humors Of Cavan
- The Humors Of Cork
- The Humors Of Enniskean
- The Humors Of Trailbane
- The Humors Of Trim
- The Hunt
- The Idle Road
- The Irish Girl
- The Irish Music Club
- The Ivy Leaf
- The Job Of Journeywork
- The Jolly Corkonian
- The Jolly Joker
- The Jolly Journeyman
- The Jolly Little Boy
- The Joy Of My Life
- The Jug Of Punch
- The Kerry Cobbler
- The Kerry Huntsman
- The Kerryman Daughter
- The Kildare Fancy
- The Kilfinane Hornpipe
- The Kilfinane Jig
- The Killashandra Lasses
- The Kneebuckle
- The Laccaroo Boys
- The Lady Behind The Boat
- The Lakeside Road
- The Lame Fisherman
- The Lamentation Of Owen Roe Oeill
- The Legacy
- The Light In The Window
- The Limerick Tinker
- The Lisburn Lasses
- The Little Grey Church
- The Little Harvest Rose
- The Lodge Road
- The Lucky Penny
- The Maid On The Green
- The Man From Newry
- The Man Who Died And Rose Again
- The Man With The Money
- The Maple Tree
- The Market Town
- The Mason's Apron
- The Men From Mallow
- The Men From Ulster
- The Merry Gardener
- The Merry Harriers
- The Merry Maiden
- The Merry Old Maid
- The Merry Old Woman
- The Merry Soldier
- The Messenger
- The Mills Are Grinding
- The Mills Are Grinding (2nd Setting)
- The Miltown Maid
- The Miners Of Wicklow
- The Minister Daughter
- The Monaghan Jig
- The Mooncoin Jig
- The Morning Of Life
- The Morning Star
- The Mother-In-Law
- The Mountaineer March
- The Mountain Lark
- The Mountain Top
- The Moving Bogs
- The Mullinger Races
- The Musical Priest
- The New Cloak
- The New Moon
- The New Pair Of Shoes
- The New Potatoes
- The Night Cap
- The Northern Lasses
- The Northern Troupe
- The Old Bush
- The Old Grey Goose
- The Old Horned Sheep
- The Old Man Delight
- The Old Schoolmaster
- The One Horned Cow
- The One-Legged Man
- The Pansy Blossom
- The Peacemaker
- The Pigeon On The Gate
- The PipersPicnic
- The Pleasures Of Hope
- The Post Office
- The Pretty Blue Seagull
- The Pride Of The Parish
- The Priest And His Boots
- The Priest Leap
- The Quarrelsome Piper
- The Queen Of May
- The Races At Carrick
- The Rakes Of Clonmel
- The Rakes Of Kildare
- The Rambling Rake
- The Rambling Sailor
- The Real Thing
- The Reconciliation
- The Redhaired Boy
- The Redhaired Hag
- There Was An Old Woman Tossed Up In A Blanket
- The Rivals
- The Road To Athlone
- The Rocky Road To Dublin
- The Rose Of Drishane
- The Roving Bachelor
- The Ruins Of Killmallock
- The Runaway Bride
- The Sailor Hornpipe
- The Sailor Jacket
- The Salamanca Reel
- The Satin Slipper
- The Scholar
- The Scolding Wife
- The Sea Captain
- The Seamen Club
- The Shepherd's Daughter
- The Ship Titanic
- The Short Grass
- The Silken Wallet
- The Silk Handkerchief
- The Silver Tip
- The Smoky Chimney
- The Snow On The Hills
- The Son Of Prosperity
- The Spinner Delight
- The Spinner Lilt
- The Spinning Wheel
- The Sporting Boys
- The Spotted Cow
- The Spring Garden
- The Spring Well
- The Stage Hornpipe
- The Star
- The Strawberry Blossom
- The Straw Seat
- The Sunrise
- The Supple Dancer
- The Swaggering Jig
- The Swallow's Tail
- The Sweep Hornpipe
- The Tailor's Thimble
- The Tailor's Wedding (Jig)
- The Templehouse
- The Tenpenny Bit
- The Tent At The Fair
- The Thatcher
- The Three Captains
- The Three Little Drummers
- The Threshers
- The Thrush Nest
- The Tinware Lass
- The Top Of The Hill
- The Top Of The Morning
- The Traveller
- The Trip To Sligo
- The Trumpet Hornpipe
- The Tullamore Piper
- The Twilight Star
- The Twin Brothers
- The Twopenny Jig
- The Ulster Hornpipe
- The Unfortunate Rake
- The Victor Return
- The Watchmaker
- The White Blanket
- The White Petticoat
- The Wicklow Hornpipe
- The Widow Brady
- The Widow Cantwell Fancy
- The Wild Colt
- The Wily Old Bachelor
- The Wind That Shakes The Barley
- The Women Rock
- The Woodcock
- The Woods Of Kilkenny
- The Yellow Flail
- Thirty Years Ago
- Thomas Leixlip The Proud
- Thompson's Reel
- Threepenny Bit
- Threshing The Barley
- Tie The Bonnet
- Tie The Ribbons
- Tim Hogan's Jig
- Timothy Downing
- Tim The Turncoat
- Tipperary Hills
- Tobin's Favorite
- Tobin Resources
- Tom Dooley- First Fingerpricking Tune
- Tom Dooley- Solo
- Tom Dooley- The Hammer
- Tom Dooley- The Hammer
- Tom Fitzmaurice Reel
- Tomorrow Morning
- Tom Steele
- Top Of Cork Road
- Top The Candle
- Toss The Feathers
- Touch Me If You Dare
- Trim The Velvet
- Turkeys In The Straw
- Up And Down Again
- Wabash Cannon Ball- A New F Chord
- Wabash Cannon Ball- Melody
- Wabash Cannon Ball- Solo
- Wagoner Lad- Melody
- Wagoner Lad - More Waltz Time
- Wagoner Lad- Solo
- Wait Awhile
- Walk Out Of It, Hogan
- Wallop The Potlid
- Wallop The Spot
- Walls Of Liscarroll
- Wandering Willy
- Wasn't She Fond Of Me
- Welcome Home
- Welcome To Cork
- Wexford Lasses
- What Ails You?
- When Sick Is It Tea You Want?
- Where Did You Find Her?
- Whiskey Youe The Devil
- Whistling Mike
- Whitney Fancy
- Who Gonna Shoe Your Pretty Little Foot
- Wildwood Flower- Index Finger Notes
- Wildwood Flower- Melody
- Wildwood Flower- Repeats
- Wildwood Flower- Solo
- William White's Reel
- Will You Come Down To Limerick
- Will You Come In?
- Willy Walsh's Jig
- Winnifred
- Within A Mile Of Clonbur
- Within A Mile Of Dublin
- Woman Of The House
- WoodsLamentation
- Worried Man Blues- Fingerpricking F Chords
- Worried Man Blues- Melody
- Worried Man Blues- Melody
- Worried Man Blues- Melody
- Worried Man Blues- More Hammered Notes
- Worried Man Blues- More Off-Beats
- Worried Man Blues- More Use Of Hammers And Picks
- Worried Man Blues- Solo
- Worried Man Blues- Solo
- Worried Man More Hammered Notes
- Yankee Doodle- Chord Changes
- Yankee Doodle- Solo
- Yellow Legs
- Youghal Harbor
- Young Arthur Daly
- Young Bridget
- Young Catherine
- Young Edmond Oeill
- Youngest Daughter
- Young Francis Mooney
- Young Terence MacDonough
- Young Tim Murphy
- Young Tom Ennis
- Young William Plunkett
O'Neill's Music of Ireland (Revised)
O'Neill's Music of Ireland (Revised)
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Experience the Elderly Difference
The classic compendium of Irish fiddle tunes. Revised, corrected, & easier to read than the facsimile edition. Also contains tips on playing and ornamentation. Approx. 1000 tunes. Essential. 254 pp.
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- Abdullah, Abulbul Amir
- Abigail Judge
- A Blast Of Wind
- A Bright May Morning
- A Bunch Of Haws
- A Cloudy Morning
- A Draught Of Ale
- A Fig For A Kiss
- After The Sun Goes Down
- A Haenny For A Cotton Ball
- Alexander's Hornpipe
- All Covered With Moss
- Always Welcome
- A Merry Christmas
- A Moonlight Ramble
- An Echo From Leinster
- A Night At The Fair
- Annie Oeill
- Another Jig Will Do
- An Ugly Customer
- Apples In Winter
- A Prize For The Ladies
- Are You Willing?
- Around The World For Sport
- A Sporting Bachelor
- A Stranger From Limerick
- A Trip To The Cottage
- Autumn Woods
- A Visit To Ireland
- Back Of The Haggard
- Ballinasloe Fair
- Ballincollig In The Morning
- Baltiorum
- Banish Misfortune
- Banks Of Lough Gowna, The
- Banks Of The Ilen
- Banks Of The Ohio- Melody
- Banks Of The Ohio- More F Chord
- Banks Of The Ohio- Solo
- Bantry Bay
- Barney Brallaghan
- Barney O'Neill
- Bath Road Hornpipe
- Beamish's Goat
- Beauty In Tears
- Before I Was Married
- Behind The Bush In The Garden
- Behind The Haystack
- Bessy Murphy
- Best In The Bag
- Biddy From Limerick
- Biddy's Wedding
- Big Dan O'Mahony
- Big Pat Reel
- Bill Black's Hornpipe
- Bill Clancy's Delight
- Bill EllisHornpipe
- Billy Barlow - On The Times
- Billy Boy
- Billy Taylor Fancy
- Black Donald The Piper
- Blackeyed Biddy
- Blind Billy
- Blind Mary
- Blue Bonnet Jig
- Boiled Goat's Milk
- Bold Deserter
- Bold John Oeary
- Bonaparte Crossing The Rhine
- Bonaparte's Defeat
- Bonaparte's Retreat
- Bonnie Anne
- Boy From The Mountain
- Boyne Hunt
- Boys From Scart
- Boys Of Ballinchalla
- Boys Of Ballysadare
- Boys Of Ballysimon
- Boys Of Galway
- Breeches Mary
- Bridget McBride
- Bryan O'Lynn
- Buckley's Fancy
- Buffalo Gals
- Bumper Squire Jones
- Buttermilk Mary
- Byrne's Hornpipe
- Cahill's Courtship
- Callahan Reel
- Cameronian Reel
- Camptown Races
- Captain Kelly Reel
- Captain Olery Fancy
- Captain O' Kane
- Captain O'Neill
- Careless Love
- Caroline O'Neill's Hornpipe
- Casey The Whistler
- Castle Donovan
- Castle Island
- Catherine Nowlane
- Cat In The Corner
- Charley The Prayermaster
- Charlie Stewart
- Cherish The Ladies
- Chief O'Neill's Favorite
- Child Of My Heart
- Clark's Hornpipe
- Clarkson Reel
- Clementine
- Clock In The Steeple
- Cloone Hornpipe
- Coey Hornpipe
- College Groves
- Colonel Fraser
- Colonel Hopkins
- Colonel Rodney
- Come In From The Rain
- Comely Jane Downing
- Come Now Or Stay
- Come To The Bottlehouse
- Come To The Dance
- Come Upstairs With Me
- Coming From The Wedding
- Coming Over The Hills
- Con Casey's Jig
- Condon's Frolics
- Considine Grove
- Corney Drew's Hornpipe
- Courting Them All
- Courtney's Favorite
- Crabs In The Skillet
- Craig's Reel
- Cronin's Rambles
- Cuckoo's Nest
- Cumberland Gap
- Dancing On The Green
- Dandy Denny Cronin
- Dan McCarthy Fancy
- Danville Girl- Melody
- Danville Girl- More Waltz Time
- Danville Girl- Solo
- Danville Girl- Solo
- Danville Girl- Waltz Time
- Danville Girl- Waltz Time
- Danville- Melody
- Darby The Driver
- Darling Corey
- Denis Delaney
- Denver The Dancer
- Dermot Oowd
- Dick Sullivan's Favorite
- Dillon Brown
- Doctor Oalloran
- Doctor O'Neill
- Doctor Taylor
- Dogs Among The Bushes
- Don't Bother Me
- Don Leave Me Alone
- Dooley's Fancy
- Dougherty Fancy
- Down In The Valley- Melody
- Down In The Valley- Solo
- Down In The Valley- Waltz Time
- Do You Want Anymore?
- Dress Her Out In Fine Clothes
- Drink And Be Merry
- Drive The Cows Home
- Drowsy Maggie
- Drummond Lasses
- Dublin Streets
- Duffy The Dancer
- Dunphy Hornpipe
- Durang's Hornpipe
- Early In The Morning
- Early Rising
- East At Glandart
- Easter Sunday
- Eileen Curran
- Ellen Orady
- Ellis Jig
- E-ri-e Canal
- Eveleen Bower
- Everybody Fancy
- Fair And Forty
- Fairhaired Mary
- Fairies' Hornpipe
- Fair Maidens
- Farewell To Erin
- Farewell To Iveleary
- Farewell To My Troubles
- Far From Home
- Fasten The Leg In Her
- Father Dollard's Favorite
- Father Fielding Favorite
- Father O'Carroll
- Father Tom's Wager
- Fiddler's Contest
- Fiddler's Heaven
- Field Of Flowers
- Field Of Oats
- First Of June
- First Of May
- Fisher Hornpipe
- Five Mile Chase
- Five Miles Away
- Flower Of The Flock
- Froggie Went A -Courtin'
- From Shore To Shore
- Frost And Snow
- Galway Bay
- Get Up Early
- Get Up Old Woman And Shake Yourself
- Gillan's Apples
- Gillespie Hornpipe
- Gilmore Hornpipe
- Girls Will You Take Him?
- Girl With The Laughing Eyes
- Give Us A Drink Of Water
- Give Us Another
- Glasgow Hornpipe
- Glengariff Bay
- Glens Of Mayo
- Going To Donnybrook
- Golden Vale
- Good Morning To Your Nightcap
- Goodnatured Man
- Gospel Ship- More Hammers
- Gospel Ship- Solo
- Go Tell Aunto Rhody- Solo
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody- Fingerpricking Solo
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody- Off-Beats
- Go To Tell Aunt Rhody- Picked Notes
- Grandfather's Pet
- Green Garters
- Green Sleeves
- Gurty's Frolics
- Handsome Molly
- Handsome Plowboy
- Handy Man
- Handy With A Stick
- Hard, Ain It Hard- Melody
- Hard, Ain It Hard- Non-Melodic Notes
- Hard, Ain It Hard- Solo
- Hardiman The Fiddler
- Harvest Field
- Harvest Home
- Haste To The Wedding
- Hawk's Hornpipe
- Here Good Health To The Piper
- Hick's Hornpipe
- Hide And Go Seek
- HigginsBest
- HigginsHornpipe
- Highway to Limerick
- Hinchy Delight
- Home On The Range
- How Much Has She Got?
- How The Money Goes
- Hugh McArdle Fancy
- Hull's Victory
- Humors Of Ballyconnell
- Humors Of Bandon
- Humors Of Castle Bernard
- Humors Of Dingle
- Humors Of Drinagh
- Humors Of Ennistymon
- Humors Of Newcastle
- Humors Of Schull
- Humors Of Westport
- Humors Of Whiskey
- Humors Of Winter
- Hunter's Hornpipe
- Hunting The Hare
- Hush LIttle Baby
- Hush Little Baby- Melody
- Hush Little Baby- Solo
- I Do Not Incline
- I Have No Money
- I Know What You Like
- I'll Neither Spin Nor Weave
- I'm Ready Now
- I'm The Boy For Bewitching Them
- I'm Waiting For You
- I Ride An Old Paint- Hammers In Waltz Time
- I Ride An Old Paint- Melody
- I Ride An Old Paint- Solo
- Isabella Burke
- I Will If I Can
- Jack Dolan
- Jack Loughlin
- Jack On The Green
- Jackson's Bottle Of Brandy
- Jackson's Cravat
- Jackson's Fancy
- Jackson's Maid
- Jackson's Morning Brush
- Jackson Rolling Jig
- Jennie Rock The Cradle
- Jenny Picking Cockles
- Jenny Pippin
- Jenny's Wedding
- Jenny's Welcome To Charlie
- Jerry Daly's Hornpipe
- Jerry Hayes
- Jerry Houlihan
- Jerry's Beaver Hat
- Jessie James
- Jim Moore's Fancy
- Jimmy O'Brien's Jig
- Jimmy Return
- Jocky At The Fair
- John Brown's Body
- John Hardy- Melody
- John Hardy- More F Chord
- John Hardy- More Hammers
- John Hardy- Solo
- Johnny Has Gone To France
- Johnny Ohea
- Johnny's Wedding
- Johnny's Welcome Home
- Johnny The Jumper
- John Oeill Reel
- John Oeilly The Active
- John White's Mother
- Jolly Tinker
- Jolly Weaver
- Joy Be With You
- Julia Delaney
- Julia McMahon
- Julia's Wedding
- Katie's Fancy
- Keeper Hill
- Kid On The Mountain
- Kinnegad Slashers
- Kiss Me Kate
- Kiss Me Sweetheart
- Kiss The Bride
- Kiss Your Partner
- Kit O'Mahony's Hornpipe
- Kit Oahony Jig
- Kitty Losty's Reel
- Kitty Magee
- Kitty Of Oulart
- Kitty's Rambles
- Kitty's Wedding
- Knocknagow
- Ladies Of Carrick
- Ladies Of Leinster
- Ladies Pantalettes
- Lady Day
- Lady Forbes
- Lady Mary Ramsey
- Lame Crowley
- Lannigan's Ball
- Larry Grogan
- Larry Lavin Choice
- Larry Lynch Hornpipe
- Last Of The Twins
- Lawson's Favorite
- Leather Buttons
- Leave My Way
- Leitrim Thrush
- Light And Airy
- Lightning Flash
- Limerick Junction
- Limerick Lasses
- Limestone Rock
- Linen Cap
- Little House Under The Hill
- Little Katie Kearney
- Liverpool Hornpipe
- Londonderry Hornpipe
- London Lasses
- Lone Green Valley- Complex Waltz Time
- Lone Green Valley- Complex Waltz Time
- Lone Green Valley- Melody
- Lone Green Valley- Melody
- Lone Green Valley- Solo
- Lone Green Valley-Solo
- Long John's Wedding
- Lord Gordon Reel
- Lord Macdonald
- Lough Allen
- Lovely Molly
- Maclean Favorite
- Madame Bonaparte
- Magowan Jig
- Magpie's Nest
- Maguire's Kick
- Maid At The Churn
- Maid In The Cherry Tree
- Maids Of Mitchellstown
- Maid That Dare Not Tell
- Malowney's Wife
- Man Of The House
- Mary Grace
- Mary Had A Little Lamb
- Mary Had A Little Lamb- Solo
- Mary O'Neill's Fancy
- Maude Miller
- Maurice Casey Fancy
- McDermott Hornpipe
- McElligott Fancy
- Mcfadden's Favorite
- Mcfadden's Own Reel
- Merry Days Of Easter
- Merry Merchant
- Merry Sisters
- Mickey By The Fireside
- Midnight Dance
- Miller's Daughter
- Miller's Maid
- Milliner's Daughter
- Miss Brandy
- Miss Brown's Fancy
- Miss Bruce
- Miss Campbell
- Miss Casey
- Miss Johnson
- Miss Mcdonald
- Miss McLeod Reel
- Miss Monroe's Jig
- Miss Patterson
- Miss Thorton Reel
- Mixing The Punch
- Mollie Malone
- Mollie McCarthy
- Moll Roe
- Molly In The Garden
- Molly Put The Kettle On
- Molly What Ails You?
- Monday Morning
- Money Musk
- Mooncoin Reel
- More Luck To Us
- More Power To Your Elbow
- Morgan Rattler
- Mountain Rose
- Mountains Of Kerry
- Move Up To Me
- Mullingar Races
- Murphy's Hornpipe
- Murray's Hornpipe
- Murtough Mulloy
- Music In The Glen
- My Brother Tom
- My Darling Asleep
- My Darling Fair Maid
- My Dermot
- My Former Wife
- My Home Across The Smokey Mountains
- My Home Across The Smokey Mountains- Melody
- My Home Across The Smokey Mountains- Solo
- My Honey In The House
- My Love Is Fair And Handsome
- My Love Is In America
- My Mary Anne
- My Mind Will Never Be Easy
- My Sweetheart Jane
- Ned Naughton Hornpipe
- Nell Flaherty's Drake
- Nellie Oonovan
- Nelson Victory
- New Mailcoach
- New Road
- Night We Made The Match
- Nra Crona
- Nora Oeill
- Nothing Can Sadden Us
- Oaralan Concerto
- Oarolan Devotion (1st Setting)
- Oarolan Farewell
- Oarolan Farewell To Music
- Oarolan Receipt For Drinking
- O'Connor's Fancy
- O'Connor's Favorite
- O'Donnell's Hornpipe
- O'dwyer's
- O'Dwyer's Hornpipe
- O'Fenlon's Hornpipe
- Off She Goes
- Off To California
- Off To The Hunt
- O'Gallagher's Frolics
- Oallagher Hornpipe
- Oh, Susanna- Solo
- Oh, Susanna- The F Chord
- Old As This Hills
- Old Grey Gander
- Old Joe Clark- Picks
- Old Maids Of Galway
- Old Man Dillon
- Old Man Quinn
- Old Pensioner
- Old Storyteller
- Old Time Religion
- Old Vest And Cravat
- One Before We Go
- One Bottle More
- Oeill Hornpipe
- One Of The Boys
- On The River Bank
- Oeilly Fancy
- Oeilly Favorite
- O'Reilly Greyhound
- Our Highland Cousins
- Our Own Little Isle
- Over The Bridge To Peggy
- Owen Malone
- Paddy Go Easy
- Paddy In London
- Paddy Murphy's Wife
- Paddy, Now, Won You Be Easy?
- Paddy O'Carroll
- Paddy O'Rafferty
- Paddy Onap
- Paddy Ryan's Dream
- Paddy's Resource
- Paddy's Surprise
- Paddy Whack (Irish Jig)
- Palm Sunday
- Patsy Touhey Reel
- Peeler's Jacket
- Peter Kennedy's Fancy
- Peter Street
- Pet Of The House
- Petticoat Loose
- Pick Your Partner
- Pipe On The Hob
- Piper's Despair
- Piper's Son
- Plaid Mantle
- Plains Of Boyle
- Planxty Browne
- Planxty Burke
- Planxty Charles Coote
- Planxty Corcoran
- Planxty Davis
- Planxty Denis Oonor
- Planxty Dobbins
- Planxty Drew
- Planxty Drury
- Planxty Edmond Dodwell
- Planxty Fanny Powers
- Planxty George Brabazon
- Planxty Hugh Oonnell
- Planxty Irwin
- Planxty Johnston
- Planxty Kitty Orien
- Planxty Lady Athenry
- Planxty Lady Blaney
- Planxty Lady Wrixon
- Planxty Madam Crofton
- Planxty Madam Maxwell
- Planxty Maguire
- Planxty Mary Oeill
- Planxty Miss Burke
- Planxty Mrs. Oonnor
- Planxty Nancy McDermott
- Planxty Nancy Vernon
- Planxty Oarolan
- Planxty Oaly
- Planxty Olynn
- Planxty Oelly
- Planxty Oeill
- Planxty Oeilly
- Planxty Oourke
- Planxty Scott
- Planxty Sir Festus Burke
- Planxty Sir Ulick Burke
- Planxty Sudley
- Planxty Thomas Burke
- Planxty Toby Peyton (1st Setting)
- Planxty Toby Peyton (2nd Setting)
- Planxty Toby Peyton (3rd Setting)
- Planxty Tom Judge
- Planxty Tom Judge
- Planxty Wilkinson
- Pleasures Of Home
- Poll Haenny
- Pretty Maggie Morrissey
- Pretty Peggy
- Priest With The Collar
- Princess Royal
- Push About The Jorum
- Rakish Paddy
- Reaping The Rye
- Red River Valley- Melody
- Red River Valley- More F Chord
- Red River Valley- Solo
- Reel Of Bogie
- Reel Of Mullinavat
- Repeal Of The Union
- Rickett's Hornpipe
- Riding A Mule
- Robin Redbreast
- Rodney's Glory
- Rogers Oeill
- Roger Was A Plowboy
- Roll Her On The Mountain
- Rolling Down The Hill
- Rolling On The Ryegrass
- Rory O'Moore
- Rose In The Garden
- Roseland Hill
- Roudledum
- Rub The Bag
- Saddle The Pony
- Sailor On The Rock
- Sailor's Cravat
- Same Old Story
- Sault Favorite
- Sault's Own Hornpipe
- Sauntering In The Lane
- Scatter The Mud
- Scotch Mary
- Second Wedding
- Sgt. Early Dream
- Sgt. Early Jig
- Sgt. Stack Favorite
- Shandon Bells
- Shaskeen Reel
- Shearing The Sheep
- Sheehan's Reel
- Ships Are Sailing
- Silvermore
- Sir Philip Mchugh
- Skibbereen Lasses
- Slattery Fancy
- Sleeply Maggie
- Slievenemon
- Sligo Lasses
- Slipper Hornpipe
- Smash The Windows
- Smash The Windows
- Snug In The Blanket
- Soldier's Joy
- Sorry, Too Late
- Spellan Fiddle
- Spellan The Fiddler
- Stack Of Barley
- Stagger The Buck
- Stagolee
- Star Of Kilkenny
- Star Of Munster
- Steeplechase
- Streets Of Laredo
- Strike The Gay Harp
- Strop The Razor
- Study War No More
- Swanee River
- Sweet Biddy Daly
- Sweet Biddy Of Ballyvourney
- Tady Wattle
- Take It Easy
- Take Your Choice
- Tatter Jack Walsh
- Tea In The Morning
- Terry Heigh Ho, The Grinder
- Tha Ace And Deuce Of Pipering
- The Absent-Minded Man
- The Active Old Man
- The Angry Peeler
- The Anthrim Lasses
- The Avonmore
- The Baldheaded Bachelor
- The Bank Of Ireland
- The Banks Of The Nile
- The Bantry Hornpipe
- The Barefoot Boy
- The Barney Pilgrim
- The Barronstown Races
- The Bashful Bachelor
- The Bashful Maid
- The Belfast Hornpipe
- The Belfast Lasses
- The Belles Of Clonallan
- The Blackberry Blossom
- The Blackbird
- The Blackhaired Lass
- The Blazing Turf Fire
- The Blooming Meadows
- The Bloom Of Youth
- The Blue Garters
- The Bonnie Boy
- The Book Of Rights
- The Bottle Of Porter
- The Bouncing Boy
- The Bowlegged Tailor
- The Boy From The Glens
- The Boy In The Gaf
- The Boys From The East
- The Boys Of Ballinafad
- The Boys Of Ballysadare
- The Boys Of Bluehill
- The Boys Of Coomanore
- The Boys Of Portaferry
- The Boys Of The Town
- The Boys Of The West
- The Bridge Of Athlone
- The Broken Pledge
- The Bucks Of Oranmore
- The Bunch Of Keys
- The Bush In Bloom
- The Butcher Apron
- The Butcher Cave
- The ButchersMarch
- The Callan Lasses
- The Charming Young Widow
- The Chicago Reel
- The Christening
- The Cliffs Of Moher
- The Coach Road To Sligo
- The Collier Reel
- The Comely Maiden
- The Connaughtman
- The Connaughtman's Rambles
- The Cook In The Kitchen
- The Crow Nest
- The Cuckoo
- The Cuckoo Nest (2nd Setting)
- The Curragh Races
- The Dairy Maid
- The Daisy Field
- The Dancer Delight
- The Dancingmaster
- The Dandy Bonnet
- The Dawning Of The Day
- The Day We Paid The Rent
- The Downfall Of Paris
- The Drogheda Lasses
- The Dublin Reel
- The Eaves Dropper
- The Echo
- The Enchanted Lady
- The End Of The Day
- The Ewe
- The Fairhaired Boy
- The Fairy Queen
- The Faithful Friend
- The Fardown Farmer
- The Fermoy Lasses
- The Field Marshal
- The First Month Of Summer
- The First Night In America
- The First Of March
- The Fisherman Frolic
- The Fisherman Widow
- The Flaxdresser
- The Flax In Bloom
- The Flitch Of Bacon
- The Flogging Reel
- The Flowers Of Antrim
- The Flowers Of Edinburgh
- The Flowers Of Spring
- The Flowing Bowl
- The Fourpenny Bit
- The Friendly Visit
- The Frieze Breeches
- The Full Of The Bag
- The Funny Mistake
- The Gaelic Club
- The Gallbally Lasses
- The Gallowglass
- The Galway Reel
- The Garden Of Daisies
- The Geese In The Bog
- The Generous Woman
- The Girls Of Bainbridge
- The Girl Who Broke My Heart
- The Glen
- The Glories Of Spring
- The Gobby, O
- The Goldfinch
- The Gold Ring
- The Graf Spee
- The Grassy Turf
- The Green Branch
- The Greencastle Hornpipe
- The Green Fields Of America
- The Green Flag
- The Green Groves Of Erin
- The Green Island
- The Green Jacket
- The Green Linnet
- The Green Meadow
- The Green Mountain
- The Grey Beard
- The Grey Daylight
- The Grey Plover
- The Groves
- The Grumbling Rustic
- The Gudgeon Of Maurice Car
- The Hag With The Money
- The Halfway House
- The Happy Days Of Youth
- The Highlander
- The Highway To Dublin
- The Hills Of Ireland
- The Honeysuckle
- The Hornless Cow
- The House In The Glen
- The Humors Of Balleydehob
- The Humors Of Ballinacarrig
- The Humors Of Ballingarry
- The Humors Of Ballycastle
- The Humors Of Ballymanus
- The Humors Of Castle Comer
- The Humors Of Cavan
- The Humors Of Cork
- The Humors Of Enniskean
- The Humors Of Trailbane
- The Humors Of Trim
- The Hunt
- The Idle Road
- The Irish Girl
- The Irish Music Club
- The Ivy Leaf
- The Job Of Journeywork
- The Jolly Corkonian
- The Jolly Joker
- The Jolly Journeyman
- The Jolly Little Boy
- The Joy Of My Life
- The Jug Of Punch
- The Kerry Cobbler
- The Kerry Huntsman
- The Kerryman Daughter
- The Kildare Fancy
- The Kilfinane Hornpipe
- The Kilfinane Jig
- The Killashandra Lasses
- The Kneebuckle
- The Laccaroo Boys
- The Lady Behind The Boat
- The Lakeside Road
- The Lame Fisherman
- The Lamentation Of Owen Roe Oeill
- The Legacy
- The Light In The Window
- The Limerick Tinker
- The Lisburn Lasses
- The Little Grey Church
- The Little Harvest Rose
- The Lodge Road
- The Lucky Penny
- The Maid On The Green
- The Man From Newry
- The Man Who Died And Rose Again
- The Man With The Money
- The Maple Tree
- The Market Town
- The Mason's Apron
- The Men From Mallow
- The Men From Ulster
- The Merry Gardener
- The Merry Harriers
- The Merry Maiden
- The Merry Old Maid
- The Merry Old Woman
- The Merry Soldier
- The Messenger
- The Mills Are Grinding
- The Mills Are Grinding (2nd Setting)
- The Miltown Maid
- The Miners Of Wicklow
- The Minister Daughter
- The Monaghan Jig
- The Mooncoin Jig
- The Morning Of Life
- The Morning Star
- The Mother-In-Law
- The Mountaineer March
- The Mountain Lark
- The Mountain Top
- The Moving Bogs
- The Mullinger Races
- The Musical Priest
- The New Cloak
- The New Moon
- The New Pair Of Shoes
- The New Potatoes
- The Night Cap
- The Northern Lasses
- The Northern Troupe
- The Old Bush
- The Old Grey Goose
- The Old Horned Sheep
- The Old Man Delight
- The Old Schoolmaster
- The One Horned Cow
- The One-Legged Man
- The Pansy Blossom
- The Peacemaker
- The Pigeon On The Gate
- The PipersPicnic
- The Pleasures Of Hope
- The Post Office
- The Pretty Blue Seagull
- The Pride Of The Parish
- The Priest And His Boots
- The Priest Leap
- The Quarrelsome Piper
- The Queen Of May
- The Races At Carrick
- The Rakes Of Clonmel
- The Rakes Of Kildare
- The Rambling Rake
- The Rambling Sailor
- The Real Thing
- The Reconciliation
- The Redhaired Boy
- The Redhaired Hag
- There Was An Old Woman Tossed Up In A Blanket
- The Rivals
- The Road To Athlone
- The Rocky Road To Dublin
- The Rose Of Drishane
- The Roving Bachelor
- The Ruins Of Killmallock
- The Runaway Bride
- The Sailor Hornpipe
- The Sailor Jacket
- The Salamanca Reel
- The Satin Slipper
- The Scholar
- The Scolding Wife
- The Sea Captain
- The Seamen Club
- The Shepherd's Daughter
- The Ship Titanic
- The Short Grass
- The Silken Wallet
- The Silk Handkerchief
- The Silver Tip
- The Smoky Chimney
- The Snow On The Hills
- The Son Of Prosperity
- The Spinner Delight
- The Spinner Lilt
- The Spinning Wheel
- The Sporting Boys
- The Spotted Cow
- The Spring Garden
- The Spring Well
- The Stage Hornpipe
- The Star
- The Strawberry Blossom
- The Straw Seat
- The Sunrise
- The Supple Dancer
- The Swaggering Jig
- The Swallow's Tail
- The Sweep Hornpipe
- The Tailor's Thimble
- The Tailor's Wedding (Jig)
- The Templehouse
- The Tenpenny Bit
- The Tent At The Fair
- The Thatcher
- The Three Captains
- The Three Little Drummers
- The Threshers
- The Thrush Nest
- The Tinware Lass
- The Top Of The Hill
- The Top Of The Morning
- The Traveller
- The Trip To Sligo
- The Trumpet Hornpipe
- The Tullamore Piper
- The Twilight Star
- The Twin Brothers
- The Twopenny Jig
- The Ulster Hornpipe
- The Unfortunate Rake
- The Victor Return
- The Watchmaker
- The White Blanket
- The White Petticoat
- The Wicklow Hornpipe
- The Widow Brady
- The Widow Cantwell Fancy
- The Wild Colt
- The Wily Old Bachelor
- The Wind That Shakes The Barley
- The Women Rock
- The Woodcock
- The Woods Of Kilkenny
- The Yellow Flail
- Thirty Years Ago
- Thomas Leixlip The Proud
- Thompson's Reel
- Threepenny Bit
- Threshing The Barley
- Tie The Bonnet
- Tie The Ribbons
- Tim Hogan's Jig
- Timothy Downing
- Tim The Turncoat
- Tipperary Hills
- Tobin's Favorite
- Tobin Resources
- Tom Dooley- First Fingerpricking Tune
- Tom Dooley- Solo
- Tom Dooley- The Hammer
- Tom Dooley- The Hammer
- Tom Fitzmaurice Reel
- Tomorrow Morning
- Tom Steele
- Top Of Cork Road
- Top The Candle
- Toss The Feathers
- Touch Me If You Dare
- Trim The Velvet
- Turkeys In The Straw
- Up And Down Again
- Wabash Cannon Ball- A New F Chord
- Wabash Cannon Ball- Melody
- Wabash Cannon Ball- Solo
- Wagoner Lad- Melody
- Wagoner Lad - More Waltz Time
- Wagoner Lad- Solo
- Wait Awhile
- Walk Out Of It, Hogan
- Wallop The Potlid
- Wallop The Spot
- Walls Of Liscarroll
- Wandering Willy
- Wasn't She Fond Of Me
- Welcome Home
- Welcome To Cork
- Wexford Lasses
- What Ails You?
- When Sick Is It Tea You Want?
- Where Did You Find Her?
- Whiskey Youe The Devil
- Whistling Mike
- Whitney Fancy
- Who Gonna Shoe Your Pretty Little Foot
- Wildwood Flower- Index Finger Notes
- Wildwood Flower- Melody
- Wildwood Flower- Repeats
- Wildwood Flower- Solo
- William White's Reel
- Will You Come Down To Limerick
- Will You Come In?
- Willy Walsh's Jig
- Winnifred
- Within A Mile Of Clonbur
- Within A Mile Of Dublin
- Woman Of The House
- WoodsLamentation
- Worried Man Blues- Fingerpricking F Chords
- Worried Man Blues- Melody
- Worried Man Blues- Melody
- Worried Man Blues- Melody
- Worried Man Blues- More Hammered Notes
- Worried Man Blues- More Off-Beats
- Worried Man Blues- More Use Of Hammers And Picks
- Worried Man Blues- Solo
- Worried Man Blues- Solo
- Worried Man More Hammered Notes
- Yankee Doodle- Chord Changes
- Yankee Doodle- Solo
- Yellow Legs
- Youghal Harbor
- Young Arthur Daly
- Young Bridget
- Young Catherine
- Young Edmond Oeill
- Youngest Daughter
- Young Francis Mooney
- Young Terence MacDonough
- Young Tim Murphy
- Young Tom Ennis
- Young William Plunkett